Malaysia Robotics and Automation Society
Established in 2017, The Malaysia Robotics and Automation Society (MyRAS) is a professional organization that aims to bring together the different stakeholders in the robotics industry towards a goal of advancing the Robotics and Automation Industry in Malaysia. MyRAS is officially appointed under Thrust-1: Governance and Ecosystem, and officially appointed by Minister of MOSTI.
- To communicate to the government on the need for robotics and automation in Malaysia
- To create awareness on robotics and automation through various activities such as conference and seminars
MyRAS vision is to be professional platform where all engineers and technologies can meet and network to discuss about robotics and automation program in the country
MyRAS serves stakeholders from 4 clusters
The suppliers, builders and users of robotics equipment. Vital in keeping up supply of robotics and automation products.
Policymakers and administrators that help crate and implement policies to advance the Robotics and Automation industry.
Private and public institutions of higher learning that are important in training talent and doing research in the robotics and automation sector.
The consumer of robotics and automation technology. Plays a big role in maintaining demand for robotics and automation products.
MyRAS 's Objectives
To establish network of robotics and automation clusters in term of users, owners, policy makers, educationists, researchers and hobbyists to help advance the field in Malaysia
To conduct regular conferences, seminars, workshops, training programs and competitions to help develop technology and its applications in the country
To conduct professional certification programs that will be recognized by the industry and government sectors to help build competencies in the field, both nationally and globally
To be the professional platform where all engineers and technologist can be meet and network to discuss about robotics and automation programs in the country.
Our Executive Members
Ir. Max Ong Chong Hup
Exco Member of MyRAS
Director, JOTAC Academy
Ir. Raymond Lam Choong Meng
Exco Member of MyRAS
Principal Pipeline Integrity Engineer, Malaysia Pahang PETRONAS CARIGALI
Mr. Mohammed Norwin Ishkandar bin Amir
Exco Member of MyRAS
CEO, Talent Synergy Sdn Bhd